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Writer's pictureRob Hurlburt

"Me, My Dad & Michael Hatcher"

This is a video screenshot of my late father, Bill Hurlburt, lifting a young man’s hand as he leads prayer for a group of volunteers working with the inner city ministry of FW Pastor Michael Hatcher.

I am working to finish a short documentary dedicated to him and his passion for Michael Hatcher’s ministry. It tells the amazing story of what began in prayer in inner-city Fort Worth (2003) and eventually led to the Steps of the Texas Capitol with Michael and I and Family Research Council President Tony Perkins leading a rally in support of traditional marriage on July 4, 2004.

Please watch this 10 minute video (unedited) tracing the arc of our journey following the leading of the Holy Spirit. If you’re moved by what you watch in the video and would like to help us in it’s completion, click here. It led to the formation of TakeUp.Org - a Non-Partisan 501(c)(4) Organization - which we’re currently in the process of re-forming after a 12 year hiatus.

50 years ago a Father and a Son (Dr. Bill Gilham Sr. and Bill Gilham Jr.) led a Father and Son to Jesus. It’s interesting to note that I was only 9 years old, whereas my Dad was 39 and an Elder of our wonderful Cumberland Presbyterian Church. But he wasn’t Born Again! We were participating in a Lay Witness Mission at St. Luke’s and it was incredibly ironic that a Hippie Preacher (my Dad viewed Hippies with disdain!) would lead him to the Kingdom.

And yes, it was a part of the Jesus Revolution!

Video Shot List

1. Opening shot - with my Dad and the volunteers of the Lighthouse Church praying for the inner city homeless of Ft. Worth.

2. Cornerstone Assistance Ministries’ (my Dad’s most beloved ministry) case worker Michael Hatcher introduced.

3. Michael preaching in Fort Worth. I am using Dad as a tripod of sorts leaning against him to get an interesting close shot. First time I hear the phrase “We are the Kingdom Kids.”

4. Michael and I experimenting in street evangelism in Austin by Hwy 183.

5. Following a vision I received in May of 2004, TakeUp.Org is founded to organize a rally for the Church in response to the first same-sex marriages in Massachusetts. Michael and I are joined by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins.

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