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  • Writer's pictureRob Hurlburt

Men's Bible Study #6 (26) at Tacara Steiner Ranch

Men’s Bible Study Thursday, May 11, 2023, 6:30 am

Tacara Steiner Ranch

A Study of the Gospel of John

Week 6 (26)

Selections from John 8

Week 6 (26)

John 8: 1-11, 12, 31-32, 58


1 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.

2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

11 “No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

If you’re reading this in a print Bible you’ll probably notice the note/asterisk indicating “the earliest manuscripts do not contain this passage.” It’s the famous “woman caught in adultery” passage with the legendary remark from Jesus “let he who hath not sinned cast the first stone.” So it begs the question: Why is it included?

12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

I AM … The light of the world. The bread of life. Think of some other “I am” statements from Jesus.

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

I AM! What is the significance of that statement?



PS - On Thursday morning you’ll want to park at the Tacara Clubhouse which is the first building you’ll see after passing by HCBC. The fireplace area is next to the pool on the lower floor which you can access by walking down the stairs on the right, or down the hill on the left. If you’d like coffee/latte/cappuccino you can do that by walking in the left-side door on the first floor and go in the Pool table room where you’ll find the machine.

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